TDWI Articles

Improve Customer Service and Intelligence with MDM and Data Virtualization

Companies often lack a single version of the truth for customer, product, or service data. Two technologies can address the issue: data virtualization and master data management.

The Good, The Bad, and the Hype about Graph Databases for MDM

Are graph databases the end-all, be-all for master data management?

Data Digest: IoT Network Standards, Reporting Vulnerabilities, Evaluating Cybersecurity

When to expect new networking standards for IoT devices, how security vulnerabilities are reported, and why Consumer Reports is interested in cybersecurity.

The Shortcomings of Predictive Analytics

Data scientist Claudia Perlich explains why we must use machine learning and predictive technologies ethically, responsibly, and mindfully.

The Growing Need for SQL for Hadoop

Experienced data management professionals are adopting Hadoop, and they want to use their SQL skills and tools with Hadoop data.

FreeSight: The Spreadsheet Reimagined

FreeSight isn't like other spreadsheet-esque offerings. A so-called "governance spreadsheet," it supports repeatability and reuse in a class unto itself.

Data Digest: Civic Technology, AI Aggression, Defining Data Science

Data initiatives that increase government transparency, Google experiments with competitive AIs, and the difference between a data scientist and a data analyst.

Data Digest: Big Data in Marketing, Illegally Selling Customer Data, Cybersecurity Going on the Offense

How marketing might miss the point of big data, why you need to check your customer data collection policies, and how to improve cybersecurity with a change of tactics.

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