TDWI Articles

That Was the Year That Was: Major BI Events of 2017 (and Predictions for 2018)

Industry analyst Michael Schiff shares the results of last year's predictions and what he foresees in the coming year.

Trustworthy Data: The Goal of Data Quality and Governance

Is poor data governance and slow data prep really a problem? It is when it erodes confidence in the quality of your data.

Data Digest: Cybersecurity Risk, Appointing a CDO, Security Trends

Why it’s hard to quantify cybersecurity risks, when you need a CDO, and security trends to watch.

Data Digest: Rescue Data Governance, Predict Cyberattacks, Secure Healthcare Data

How to save a failing data governance program, use machine learning to predict attacks, and better protect patient data.

Can AI Solve Our Cybersecurity Challenges?

Can artificial intelligence keep enterprise data safe and stay ahead of hackers' latest techniques?

Data Digest: New Data Managers, Data Governance Benefits, Planning Data Architecture

How to recruit young employees into data management, explain the benefits of data governance, and create an information model to guide your architecture.

GDPR Forcing Organizations to View Data Strategically

The upcoming GDPR regulations require enterprises to consider three basic questions about their data. Here's how you can be ready with the answers.

Lessons from the Equifax Data Breach

The recent data breaches should serve as a catalyst to more seriously consider what data we collect and store in our data warehouses.

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