TDWI Articles

Data Digest: Managing Data Privacy, Data Governance, and Master Data

Increase your data's value and decrease risks by improving your data privacy, data governance, and master data management.

Top Five Data Privacy Trends in Ticketing

With physical tickets to events disappearing in favor of digital options, how is customer data being acquired and protected? Some solutions have their own set of downsides.

Data Digest: Differential Privacy, Privacy Regulations, Phishing Attacks

The benefits of new privacy approaches, the variety of data privacy regulations around the world, and the volume of cyberattacks some organizations face.

Building Customer Trust in Your Data Policies

A customer’s trust in how you collect and use personal and business data can be a competitive advantage.

Data Digest: Education and Data Ethics

Teaching ethics to data scientists, researching solutions to biased algorithms, and debate about the future of AI and privacy regulations.

Privacy-Enhancing Technologies: From Buzz to Reality

Enterprises are adopting more robust privacy and data protection regulations, but there are limits to an approach based solely on privacy-enhancing technologies. Here are four things to keep in mind.

Data Digest: Delivering Effective, Modern Data Governance

Managing today’s risks, implementing effective data governance, and cleaning up messy data sets.

Data Digest: Unstructured Data Governance, Financial Services Risks, and Data Inventories

How to approach data governance for large amounts of unstructured data, risk trends for financial services, and the benefits of a data inventory.

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