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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Solving the Top 4 Data Pain Points in 2021

We don't need new technologies or new app features. In 2021 we must face the 500-pound gorilla in the room: these data pain points.

Trends Data Analytics Professionals Should Pay Attention To In 2021

Predictions for AI and ML trends in data access, understanding new data, and executing information based on the data.

The Open Analytics Stack, the Next Wave of SaaS on Kubernetes, and the In-VPC Deployment Model: What We’ll See in 2021

As cloud adoption accelerates, users want the best of all possible worlds -- flexibility and ease of use along with tight security around their data. The virtual public cloud (VPC) may be the answer.

Executive Perspective: The Power of Graph Databases

In business, it’s critical to establish and nurture customer relationships. In the world of data analytics, relationships are just as important. Alicia Frame, lead product manager for data science at Neo4j, a graph database vendor, explains how this technology helps enterprises maximize data relationships.

Modernizing Your Data Team and Its Best Practices

As you modernize your tools and platforms for data management to keep pace with evolving business requirements, take time to modernize your data team.

Platform Architecture and Data Architecture Are Different but Related

Many people (even experienced data pros) confuse related architectures, weakening data-driven solution designs and their business use cases.

Executive Q & A: Bursting Data to the Cloud

With so much data to store and analyze, no wonder hybrid cloud solutions are gaining favor. Haoyuan (H.Y.) Li, the founder and CEO of Alluxio, offers his perspective and best practices.

Can the New Thing Replace the Old Thing?

This is an important question to ask about many new IT systems and tools. The answer depends on many factors -- including forming the question properly.

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