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BI This Week

See the most recent BI This Week articles below.

Q&A: Using Decision Management to Maximize Analytics

What is decision management and how is it related to advanced analytics? What kind of decisions can be managed (and thus improved), and how can you identify them?

SAP Lumira is the Exciting Headline but Enterprise BI is the Bread and Butter

The Sapphire Now event this year was all about simplicity, the cloud, and millenials. That's the message that SAP CEO Bill McDermott wanted to drive home in his keynote. BI, meanwhile, took a back stage to HANA and cloud announcements.

Agile Data Integration with Extreme Scoping

Do your data integration projects need to be more responsive to your users? Extreme Scoping may be just what you need to be more agile, and it's easy to incorporate its principles into your current methodology.

Realizing Analytics Potential: It's Not Magic

One of the biggest trends today is the democratization of BI and analytics. Today's tools, applications, and platforms are making it easier for nontechnical business users to discover, analyze, and share data insights without handholding by IT or data scientists.

Data in the Cloud: The Truth Every IT Professional Needs to Know

IT professionals must remember that just because data is stored in the cloud does not mean it is backed up. Here's how you can keep your data safe.

Model-Driven Architectures + BI: The Perfect Pairing

Successful enterprises recognize that data is their most valuable resource. Those that figure out how to move, refine, and process this resource for enhanced BI will be at a huge advantage.

Q&A: Save Time and Money with Automated Data Warehouse Development

Technology can eliminate time-consuming, repetitive tasks like mapping data sources, scheduling jobs, and generating documentation -- and can automate coding.

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