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BI This Week

See the most recent BI This Week articles below.

Information Builders Claims an Enterprise Search ‘First’

Does IBI really intend to position WebFOCUS Magnify, its newest search offering, as a Business Intelligence first? You betcha.

Adobe Acquisition Paves Way for Business Intelligence Foray

Is Adobe preparing to make a big Business Intelligence splash?

Reaction Time: Teradata Users Express Cautious Optimism

What do Teradata users think about the data warehousing specialist’s upcoming split from parent company NCR?

Business Intelligence in 2007: For Some, The Year of Living Mundanely?

What’s on tap for 2007? Many rank and file Business Intelligence pros say to forget MDM, BSO, or other such novel acronyms; they’re focusing on more mundane stuff.

Business Objects Unveils SMB-Friendly Reporting Tool

Business Objects has the makings of a formidable mid-market stack.

Microsoft’s PerformancePoint Server Coming into Focus

With PerformancePoint, Microsoft has a plausible reason to crow.

Business Intelligence Heavies Look to the Mid Market

For SME firms with limited IT know-how, Business Intelligence is an especially tough nut to crack. It's a nut BI players of every stripe desperately want to crack, however.

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