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BI This Week

See the most recent BI This Week articles below.

Pentaho Beefing Up Enterprise Support

Open source business intelligence player Pentaho has had a lot to crow about.

Ranking the DI Players

There's plenty of competition in the fractious data integration market.

Q&A: Applying Semantics to Data Management

Semantics helps bring data management down to the user level.

Why All Data is Not Created Equal

Although relational databases will continue to be used for high-speed online transaction processing, conventional relational databases have clearly exhausted their usefulness for business analytics. What’s ahead for database technology?

Q&A: Archiving Tools Apply BI to E-mail

Sophisticated e-mail archiving solutions can generate business intelligence from stored e-mail messages.

BI Teams Need to Take a Page from Apple's Book

BI teams need to focus on what business users want most.

Redefining the Data Integration Problem Set

Phasic Systems touts a combination of software, services, and even naysaying as an effective solution for effective enterprisewide governance.

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