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Question and Answer: Venture Capital Investor Sees Solid Future for Cloud Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse

Business intelligence delivered via software-as-a-service (SaaS) seems to be on the cusp of a wave of popularity, but it also brings some risks, as the recent demise of SaaS BI company LucidEra indicates. What's the future of SaaS BI and data warehousing in the cloud, and how can companies mitigate the risk?

Question and Answer: How a Column-based Architecture Can Deliver Quick Returns

Companies that improve database infrastructures by moving from a row-based to a column-based architecture can expect immediate improvements in query responses and report generation speed.

All Shook Up: Open Source Business Intelligence Disrupts the Status Quo

About one-quarter of shops use open source BI tools; even more are evaluating them.

How Mobile Devices Change Business Intelligence

Even the fastest bandwidth may not be able to keep up with data intensity of BI applications, so what must change?

Question and Answer: Making Data Meaningful with Visualization

How data visualization techniques can encapsulate vast amounts of data into intensely visual and data-rich displays.

With KONA, Kalido Touts a Number of Firsts

Kalido's new KONA appliance could well be the first of its kind

Business Intelligence or Bust Study Highlights Best Practices for a Tough Economy

A new report from Aberdeen Group sheds light on how to get the biggest bang for your BI buck.

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