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Mike Schiff

Experts Agile DW Environment

To create an agile environment, organizations must make it easier to deploy analysis tools and to quickly enhance their underlying data warehousing infrastructure. We explain some of the technologies and techniques that can help you make this happen.

Business User's Power, Influence Over Business Intelligence Decisions Growing

IT must become more responsive to the needs of business users. If it doesn't, it runs the risk of becoming irrelevant.

Operational Data Quality is Within Reach

High-quality operational data is possible.

"Being" Agile vs. "Doing" Agile

Why don't agile development methods when applied to BI always yield success? It comes down to understanding that agile is really about behaviors, attitudes, and values.

Composite Software Updates Data Virtualization Platform

Composite Discovery quickly finds data, data relationships, automating steps traditionally done by hand

What is Agile?

“Agile” has rapidly become the new buzzword for data warehousing and business intelligence development -- but what does “agile” mean? Better yet, what should “agile” mean?

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