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 See the most recent articles below.

IBM’s New Systems Accelerate Smarter Computing

Big Blue introduces new or enhanced servers, storage products to help businesses make better decisions, operate more efficiently.

SyncSort Doubles-Down on High-Performance ETL

Performance is a major component of SyncSort's ETL 2.0 push.

Q&A: As Enterprises Mature, Data Governance Remains Challenging

As enterprise data management has matured, companies are beginning their data governance programs with a better understanding of what the term means, but plenty of questions and confusion remains.

Q&A: How to Achieve Master Data Management Success

MDM and governance go hand in hand, but how do you know if your MDM approach is working, especially in light of Big Data and social media?

How the iPad Experience Will Change the Face of BI

The iPad-like user experience promises to wholly transform the way information is presented and consumed in the enterprise. To their collective credit, many BI players get this. Why they get it is another matter.

BI Unplugged -- Enabling Unprecedented Information Access

Mobility promises to enable unprecedented access to information -- in a highly-interactive, visually compelling context, to boot.

Cindi Howson

Oracle Announces Exalytics for In-Memory, Visual BI

At Oracle Open World, the company announced a new combination hardware/software solution, laying down the gauntlet to SAP and specialty visualization vendors.

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