BigMemory 3.7 extends in-memory capacity tenfold; expands search to terabyte scale with snap-in security.
Best-of-breed solutions certainly can be appealing, but are integrated products a better approach for your organization?
The industry seems to have settled on 3 Vs -- volume, variety, and velocity -- to describe the big data problem. What's missing? Let's start with another V: value.
- By Stephen Swoyer
- 7.24.2012
Why agile BI needs modelstorming: agile techniques for data warehouse analysis, modeling, and design.
- By James E. Powell, Lawrence Corr
- 7.24.2012
There's resistance to the use of agile concepts and methods in BI and DW. The reasons for this resistance, agile proponents argue, are misguided.
- By Stephen Swoyer
- 7.24.2012
New Customer Experience Suite unites the power of social networking, analytics, and mobile computing to front-office operations and externally to clients.