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 See the most recent articles below.

Agile Data Quality Best Practices

How enterprises can accelerate the creation of new data quality solutions while aligning with business goals.

Benefits of Agile Data Warehousing: A Real-World Story

How agile data warehousing has transformed CN's BI delivery environment.

Agile BI: Welcome to the Business Model Generation

How a Business Model Canvas and BI Model Canvas can help accelerate your modeling work.

Q&A: Getting Business Process Management Right

What a BPM tool can do, and how to avoid the biggest mistakes enterprises make in their BPM projects.

Agony and Ecstasy at Hadoop Summit

Hadoop all but went supernova at last month's Hadoop Summit event.

Q&A: Agile Data Engineering Using Advanced Data Modeling Concepts

How data architects can solve age-old dilemmas with new techniques.

Making the Best Decisions: Using Context, Inclusion, and Information Foraging

When it comes to decision making, what you exclude can be as important as what you include.

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