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Big Data's Big Themes at Strata Conference

Big data took New York by storm at the annual Strata conference, coincidentally on the anniversary of Super Storm Sandy.

Current Trends Technologies in Enterprise Analytics

Kamran Ashraf, vice president and head of analytics of Visa Europe, discusses why analytics has become today's modern IT buzzword and why such a system must fit the end user employee need and not just IT.

Q&A: Analytics in Higher Ed Can Yield Rich Results

Leaders at two universities well-known for their work with analytics -- Arizona State University and the University of Arizona – discuss the challenges and opportunities that the use of analytics presents.

Q&A: Data Warehouses and the Demands of Big Data

Is big data at the center of the future of data warehouses? Is big data valuable or overrated? Jonas Olsson, CEO of Graz, gives us perspective.

Data Exploration in the Age of Big Data

Learn new facts about your business from a wide range of big data and enterprise data.

Defining Big Data Visualization and Analysis Use Cases

Use these five use cases to spark your thinking about how to combine big data and visualization tools in your enterprise.

Q&A: Cutting through the Glitz of BI's Shiny Objects

What's hype and what's real? What BI shiny objects have attracted our attention -- and perhaps distracted us? Marc Demarest and Mark Madsen explain what's hot and what's not.

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