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 See the most recent articles below.

Real-Time Business Intelligence in the Real World

Five real-world real-time BI use cases show how the technology helps enterprises respond to issues both strategically and tactically.

Conducting BI Meetings That Solve Problems

Business intelligence meetings that solve problems occur only with intentional preparation and follow-up. They emphasize team participation in removing obstacles.

Aerospike Accelerates Specialty Analytics

Upstart player Aerospike is betting there's a market for a highly specialized analytics platform.

Revolution Analytics' Future with Microsoft

Microsoft has acquired Revolution Analytics, which makes enterprise-grade products for the open source R statistical analysis and programming environment. It isn't Microsoft's first foray into open source -- although, from a BI standpoint, it's arguably its most exciting. Just what does Revolution Analytics bring to Microsoft, and what can Microsoft do for Revolution?

Can Hadoop Replace a Data Warehouse?

It depends on what you think a data warehouse is and what your organization is trying to do with it.

Understanding Hadoop: Foundations for Developing an Analytics Culture

What is core -- and important -- to understand about Hadoop and its adoption into the enterprise.

What Visibility into Machine Data Transactions Can Do for Your Organization

Machine data is about more than just anticipating outages and maintenance. When machine data is used to its fullest, it informs business decisions to drive business performance.

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