Credit card fraud is on the upswing, impacting consumers and every company that handles credit card transactions. What can an enterprise do to prevent it and protect itself and its legitimate consumers?
- By Troy Hiltbrand
- April 14, 2016
Why data analysts must be data storytellers, plus innovative visualizations and 5 essential elements of a good BI tool.
- By Quint Turner
- April 14, 2016
Getting to know more about your customers can strengthen and solidify your relationships with them.
- By Wes Flores
- April 13, 2016
Two intriguing visualizations: an interactive experiment about user interfaces and a wave-generating toy.
- By Lindsay Stares
- April 13, 2016
The smartwatch has arrived -- and how! Is it too soon to talk about optimizing dashboards for the "wearable experience?"
- By Steve Swoyer
- April 13, 2016
How enterprises define the role, how to many hands make data science easier, and defining the data science team.
- By Quint Turner
- April 13, 2016
Most meaningful business decisions are based not only on data but on a combination of fact and opinion.
- By Barry Devlin
- April 12, 2016
A new survey sheds light on how and why enterprises are using embedded analytics, and shows what developers say is ahead for the technology.
- By James E. Powell
- April 11, 2016