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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Data Digest: Data Strategy for SME, Data Lake Architecture, Find the Right Data

Choosing data tools for small and midsize enterprises, adjusting data lakes to increase processing speed, and finding the right data to achieve success.

Leverage Your Data for Better Customer Service

Even when organizations have the necessary data to improve service processes, customers may still receive confusing communications that make organizations seem incompetent.

5 Minutes with a Data Scientist: Alejandro Correa Bahnsen of Easy Solutions

Lead data scientist Alejandro Correa Bahnsen develops machine learning algorithms for fraud detection. He described for Upside the basic skills and personality traits he believes are necessary to succeed in data science.

Data Stories: Using Pie Charts, Grid Maps, and Text Analysis

Learn about the readability of pie and donut charts, explore how to make an easy grid map, and see how to best use graph analysis on text.

Data Digest: Election Predictions Fail, Securing Endpoints, Changing Approach to Big Data

How election predictions and polls failed, avoid common mistakes in securing network endpoints, and understand the future of big data and emerging technologies.

Machine Learning Is Bringing More Intelligent Things

According to Gartner, AI and new machine learning techniques will enable a new class of intelligent apps and intelligent things -- along with the emergence of so-called digital twins.

The Big Data Wave: 1980s Redux?

The RDBMS challenges of the 1980s are being replayed in the world of big data.

Data Engineers Suddenly Very Much In Demand

What does it take to be a data engineer? A background in software engineering doesn't hurt. Although the number of data engineers doubled from 2013 to 2015, that growth rate far outstripped that of data scientists.

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