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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Data Stories: Ice Cream, Sushi, and Vitamins

Use these data visualizations to consider ice cream flavors, restaurant trends, and health data.


Beyond Chocolate and Vanilla

sample of data visualization, linked to full visualization 

Scroll through these colorful data visualizations for a complete tour of the many flavors of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.


In the Mood for California Rolls?

sample of data visualization, linked to full visualization at BoldData 

A chart and article from BoldData show how after a decade of growth, the number of sushi restaurants in the U.S. may have peaked.


Supplements or Sunshine?

sample of data visualization, linked to full visualization at Information is Beautiful 

A stylish infographic from Information Is Beautiful illustrates what we know about Vitamin D -- how much you need, how to get it, and what it’s good for.


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