TDWI Articles

Data Digest: Data Science Career Paths, Healthcare Scheduling Algorithms, Big Data Versus Malaria

Read about 5 potential paths to becoming a data scientist, how data science is improving scheduling for cancer patients, and how big data is being used to fight malaria.

Paths to Becoming a Data Scientist

This author outlines 5 potential career paths for those hoping to break into data science, including lists of skills to focus on and lots of links to further reading.

Read more at KD Nuggets

Scheduling More Efficiently with Data Science

Advanced analytics and data science are making inroads into many aspects of healthcare. Data science algorithms are even being used in some places to increase the efficiency of scheduling so that cancer patients spend less time in the waiting room.

Read more at MedCityNews

Using Big Data to Defeat Malaria

New methods of data collection and big data analytics are coming together to fight malaria by predicting potential outbreaks and studying mosquitoes to control the spread of the disease.

Read more at Information Management

About the Author

Lindsay Stares is a production editor at TDWI. You can contact her here.

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