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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Data Digest: Uses for Leftover Data Sets, Drawbacks of Data Lakes, Cloud Best Practices

These articles explain why leftover “garbage” data sets actually have value, why you should be skeptical about data lakes, and what to consider when integrating cloud computing to your enterprise.

The Benefits of "Exhaust" Data

In the process of doing business, enterprises end up with plenty of data they no longer need. This article recommends selling seemingly useless data and explains what value lies in unusual data sets.

Read more at Fast Company

Why Be a Skeptic About Data Lakes?

This article argues that data lakes have significant drawbacks -- that they encourage enterprises to store unneeded data and to store it haphazardly, exposing them to latency issues and regulatory risk.

Read more at Forbes

Best Practices for Moving to the Cloud

Shifting operations to the cloud is trendy, but you should make sure you will benefit from the migration. This article explains how to prepare your enterprise for such a move.

Read more at Business 2 Community

About the Author

Quint Turner is an editorial intern at TDWI and an undergraduate English student at Skidmore College. Follow his blog at

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