February 12, 2014
Before it was called BI, the art of science and data-based decision making was often referred to as “decision support.” And for a field beginning with such an unpretentious moniker, the power and size of BI is not just obvious, but just beginning.
Indeed, the boom of big data and data warehousing had no greater year than 2013. Make sure you're up to speed on all that's transpired.
TDWI's Best of Business Intelligence offers:
- Analysis of notable BI and DW trends, including a downpour of cloud-related offerings, agile architecture in the office place, and the future of consumer-centric retail
- Excerpt from a TDWI Best Practices Report: “Implementation Practices for Better Decisions”
- An insider’s guide to the new data warehouse at Facebook from the TDWI Chicago World Conference keynote speaker, Ken Rudin. Plus, Stephen Swoyer’s article “Inside Facebook’s Relational Platform” digs into the hows and whys of enhancing Hadoop with relational data
- Plus much more from TDWI’s publications and research
TDWI's Best of Business Intelligence is sponsored by the following vendors:
The only enterprise-caliber business intelligence platform born in the cloud, Birst is less costly and more agile than legacy BI and more powerful than data discovery. And it gives meaning to all types and sizes of data.
HP Vertica
Purpose built for big data analytics from the very first line of code, the HP Vertica Analytics Platform enables companies to perform analytics at the speed and scale they need to thrive in today’s big data world.
Information Builders
Information Builders helps organizations transform data into business value. Our business intelligence, integration, and data integrity solutions enable smarter decision making, strengthen customer relationships, improve performance, and drive growth.
Business analysts spend more time preparing their data than they do actually analyzing it. Paxata's Adaptive Data Preparation™ solution makes data ready for Tableau, QlikView, and Excel in minutes … not hours or days.
Tableau Software
Tableau Software helps people see and understand data. See how Tableau can help you by downloading the free trial at www.tableausoftware.com/tdwi.