September 17, 2021
The data explosion enterprises face today creates pressure to modernize data architectures so data application users can unlock value at the speed of business.
Diverse data has the potential to ignite innovation; organizations increasingly want to be data-driven, not merely data-aware. They want data applications that unleash users to explore larger data sets and investigate data interactively to understand real-time situations, uncover root causes, analyze data relationships, and determine the best course of action.
Data architectures that depend on legacy, one-size-fits-all BI and data warehousing systems are falling short as use cases push beyond simple, carefully managed, and predefined data consumption and involve more ad hoc interaction. Speed and agility are critical, and data architectures need modernization to support data-hungry, AI-infused applications.
In this TDWI Pulse Report, we look closely at key opportunities and challenges regarding data architecture modernization and examine how to unlock the business value of data.