BIJ Volume 22 Number 3 cover image

Business Intelligence Journal | Vol 22, No 3
TDWI Member Exclusive

September 28, 2017

It’s a common failing. With so much to be done and so little time to do it, the processes and procedures for closing out projects cleanly can sometimes be neglected. Though the kudos for cleaning up are few, the tasks are critical. A pair of this issue’s articles will explain why.

Saif Ur Rehman and CAO. Qingren show how the evolving nature of big data and advanced analytics has added new levels of nuance to the question of whether a BI project can be considered “successful” or not.

On a bigger scale, Dave Barman takes us through his approach to decommissioning entire BI systems. As he points out, what was once the state of the art doesn’t remain so. Teams must have processes in place for safely retiring systems to preserve data (and its value) and maintain compliance.

Of course, the Journal would not be the Journal without a healthy dose of new and next.

Ravi Shankar looks at how a logical data warehouse—a layer of abstraction that sits between data sources and data users—can streamline your analytics processes and empower your business. He explores logical DWs from all angles, including performance, security, and governance.

Looking a little farther into the future, Ben Franzini and Kevin Sadeghian look at how changes of government administration can affect your business and how to stay ready for whatever may come. Using a four-part approach, they show how to develop and maintain the necessary adaptability to respond to—and capitalize on—situations as they arise.

Similarly, our BI Experts Coy Yonce, James Taylor, Nick Kelly, and Scott Gnau cast an eye five years out to anticipate the data management and analytics trends for the next five years.

Senior editor Hugh J. Watson explains the differences between the executive information systems of the past and the simpler dashboards of today. Although modern dashboards are fine for conveying hard data, he says, they may fail to provide the soft-data context—the bigger picture—needed for optimum decision making.

Finally, we present our 2017 Best Practices Awards winners—the folks who have shown us what world-class BI and data warehousing solutions look like.

How are you moving ahead with BI and data warehousing projects? Where do you see your organization going in the months and years ahead? We look forward to your feedback; contact us at [email protected].

James E. Powell

Editorial Director

Business Intelligence Journal


  • Adding Context to Information
    Hugh J. Watson
  • Lights Out: Using a Pathway Approach to Guide System Decommissioning
    Dave Barman
  • Project Evaluation in the Age of Big Data
    Saif Ur Rehman and CAO. Qingren
  • Enabling Self-Service BI with a Logical Data Warehouse
    Ravi Shankar
  • BI Expert’s Perspective: Are You Ready for What’s Coming in Analytics?
    Coy Yonce, James Taylor, Nick Kelly, and Scott Gnau
  • How Will a New Administration Impact My Business?: Policy, Data, and Business Intelligence
    Ben Franzini and Kevin Sadeghian

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