2015 TDWI BI Benchmark Report: Organizational and Performance Metrics for Business Intelligence Teams
TDWI Member Exclusive

September 4, 2015

TDWI’s annual BI Benchmark Report enables business intelligence (BI) teams to compare themselves to their peers on a series of organizational and performance metrics. The 2015 report is based on a Web survey of 259 BI professionals conducted worldwide in spring and early summer 2015. Responses come from IT professionals, business sponsors, users, and systems integrators to focus on the individuals who most directly drive BI initiatives. Responses from vendor representatives, professors, and students were excluded.

This report uses year-over-year comparative data to illustrate trends in the BI industry. Multiple-answer questions and rounding account for totals that do not equal 100 percent. All figures are based on worldwide totals and represent percentages unless otherwise indicated. In the concluding “Characteristics of BI Success” section, we analyze a number of factors that contribute to BI success or failure, including:

  • Development methodology
  • To whom BI teams report
  • BI maturity and number of years building an environment
  • Number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees per project
  • BI budgets as a percentage of overall IT budget
  • BI team size as a percentage of overall IT
  • Scope of BI environment
  • Centralized and decentralized BI resource organization

This is an exclusive TDWI Member publication. To access the report, log in to the community below or become a member today.

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