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November 21, 2014 – Washington DC Chapter Fall Meeting: Business Driven BI through effective use of Data and Visualization

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Dear Washington DC BI/DW and Analytics Professionals,
We cordially invite you to attend our upcoming TDWI Washington DC Chapter meeting on November 21, 2014. Come meet other local professionals, swap business cards, share ideas, and exchange career advice while listening to quality presentations in a vendor-neutral setting, which is the hallmark of TDWI education. Our speakers will be DW/BI end-users reporting on their success and lessons learned implementing various BI tools or projects. Please see our detailed meeting agenda below.


Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:15 am – 12:15 pm


Northrop Grumman
2810 Lord Baltimore Dr.
Baltimore MD 21244


“Using Visual Data for Better Decisions, Optimal Performance and Improved Outcomes”, presented by Mr. Daryl Wise, Associate Commissioner – Social Security Administration, Office of Quality Improvement and Ms. Sherry Dolan, Director – Social Security Administration, Office of Quality Improvement.

“Keeping Global Work Forces and Operations Safe by Managing Data Better”, by Rich Murnane - Director, Enterprise Data Operations, IJet International.


Special Instructions for all Attendees:
Since this session is being held in a Northrop Grumman secured facility , TDWI DC chapter board requests all attendees to register for this session at least 3 days in advance to provide enough time for Northrop Grumman security team to complete all formalities well in advance and to avoid sign in delays on the day the event. Please review the following:
US citizens or persons attending – Upon arrival please present a valid ID and receive your Escort Badge. We advise you to a register in advance so your visitor badge can be ready ahead of time.
Non US citizens attending – You must register at least 3 days in advance, Please make sure to enter your full name (first and last) and your date of birth as part of the TDWI DC chapter registration process; your information is secure and it will be used by Northrop Grumman security team to complete the following in advance, so that your visitor badges will be ready when you come in:

  • Foreign Visitor Request –FVR Form.
  • Data and Services Export Authorization – DSEA Form submitted.

Due to security reasons, no walk ins will be allowed in this category (Non US citizens); we apologize for the inconvenience.

Click here to register for the next upcoming event


8:15 – 9:00 am

Breakfast and Networking

9:00 – 9:15 am

Welcome and Kickoff:

  • Meeting Kick off by TDWI DC Chapter President Ms. Nancy Williams
  • Welcome address and Speaker Introductions by Northrop Grumman Director Of SSA Programs Mr. Shakil Kidwai

 9:15 – 10:30 am

“Using Visual Data for Better Decisions, Optimal Performance and Improved Outcomes”, presented by Mr. Daryl Wise, Associate Commissioner – Social Security Administration, Office of Quality Improvement and Ms. Sherry Dolan, Director – Social Security Administration, Office of Quality Improvement.


The Social Security Administration's (SSA) Vision and Mission has always been to provide the highest standard of considerate and thoughtful service for generations to come while addressing the changing needs of the public. SSA has a history of capturing business and management information and of judiciously employing that information to guide its decision-making at all levels of the organization.  For the last 15 years, SSA had taken major strides in the area of Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence (BI) that puts them at the forefront in their ability to access and transform raw data into meaningful information.  This is essential for the agency to make efficient and confident data-driven decisions and at the same time progress towards a business driven BI maturity model.
As part of this presentation, Mr. Daryl Wise, Associate Commissioner of the Office of Quality Improvement (OQI), will share some of the major data milestones the agency has accomplished over the years.  He will discuss the agency’s current and future state of Business Intelligence (BI) and how the agency uses data visualization to manage and monitor workloads, improve outcomes, and address many missions critical information delivery needs.

10:30 – 11:00 am

Networking Break

11:00 – 12:00 pm 

“Keeping Global Work Forces and Operations Safe by Managing Data Better”, by Rich Murnane - Director, Enterprise Data Operations, IJet International.


Charged with keeping track of clients’ global assets and employees, iJET International uses data management best practices and data analytics to keep its clients informed on world events potentially affecting their global operations. Vetted data about operations (travel, location-based assets, supply chain, etc.) provides significant value to iJET’s clients, positioning them well to drive security and travel program efficiencies while supporting strategic business decisions. In this session, Rich Murnane will discuss how iJET created a robust data management program to optimize iJET operations and client experience. Topics in the presentation include master data management, data quality, data governance, data analytics, and visualization.

12:00 – 12:15 pm

Wrap Up

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Space is limited so sign up early!

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To contact a Chapter officer, click on name of the officer located on the top right hand column of this page.

Bios of Presenters

Mr. Daryl Wise, Associate Commissioner – Social Security Administration ,Office Of Quality Improvement
Daryl began his career at SSA in 1982 as a Computer Systems Analyst in the Office of Systems and has gained extensive knowledge in the computer field by holding a variety of positions.
Daryl has held various technical and management positions in the Office of Systems Design and Development, the Office of Information Management, and the Office of Earnings, Enumerations and Administrative Systems. Among his noted accomplishments is the design of the Business Intelligence Architecture and his lead role on important initiatives such the SSA Unified Measurement System (SUMS) and the Managerial Cost Accountability System (MCAS).
In 1999 Daryl was selected as the Director of the Management Information Systems Development Division and in 2002 he became the Director for the Division of Information and Integrity Systems. During this period, he provided leadership for software development, resource planning and contract management.
In December 2007, Daryl was appointed Senior Executive Service and named Associate Commission for the Office of Quality Improvement in the Office of Budget, Finance, Quality and Management. He currently leads our continuous improvement activities, computer simulation modeling, task time studies, business process improvement, data/predictive analytics and other quality initiatives.
Daryl has a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and a Master of Science in Information Science degree from the University of Pittsburgh. He is the recipient of two Commissioner Citations and has received a Government Computer News Award for the application of information technology at SSA. Daryl enjoys playing golf, coaching basketball and working with youth programs.

Mr. Rich Murnane, Director of Enterprise Data Operations, iJET International
As a leader of the iJET Enterprise Data Operations team, Rich is responsible for a data management contract focusing on database development and administration, data quality, business intelligence, and master data management. Rich’s team is also responsible for the management and quality of all of iJET corporate and client data used throughout the iJET Worldcue platform. Rich has over 15 years of progressive experience designing, building and supporting data management programs and database systems. As an active member of the data management community, Rich has been blogging about data management since 2005. Rich has presented at various industry conferences such as the TDWI Solution Summit (2012), SAS DataFlux IDEAS (2009-2012) and IAIDQ/Data Governance Conference (2010). Professional affiliations include: SAS DataFlux Customer Advisory Board (2012-2012) and Mid Atlantic Association of Oracle Professionals and Data Management Association – National Capital Region (DAMA-NCR). In 2011, Rich joined some of the most respected minds in the data management industry and contributed to the book”101 Lightbulb Moments in Data Management”. Rich has a bachelor’s degree in science with concentrations in math and computer science from Salisbury University. 


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