Excelero Addresses Gaps in Public Cloud Storage | TDWI TDWI | www.tdwi.org


Excelero Addresses Gaps in Public Cloud Storage

Excelero’s NVMesh elastic NVMe storage software, now on Microsoft Azure, provides AI/ML, GPU computing, HPC, and analytics.

Note: TDWI’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Excelero, a vendor of software-defined storage for I/O-intensive workloads such as GPU computing for AI/ML/DL, commercial HPC, and data analytics, has added public cloud storage support to its NVMesh elastic NVMe software-defined storage solution. Available for the Microsoft Azure platform, NVMesh expands public cloud capabilities by addressing the massive gaps experienced by thousands of organizations that face major performance challenges while attempting to transition their demanding I/O-intensive workloads to public clouds at a reasonable cost.

With data protection becoming essential for I/O-intensive applications, Excelero NVMesh on Azure protects data by mirroring across local NVMe drives. The solution allows data to be spread across availability zones for an additional level of protection. Self-healing and advance warning functionality assist in ensuring data longevity. For data compliance and security data is stored on nodes within the enterprise’s account.

In container-native settings, Excelero’s Kubernetes CSI driver and IBM Red Hat OpenShift integration provide a second means of rolling out NVMesh on Azure enabling hybrid cloud deployments, for instance for burst-oriented workloads.

For details, visit www.excelero.com.

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