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Quobyte Announces Version 3.0 Data Center File System Designed for Scale-Out Architectures

New release provides enhanced security and policy engine for large-scale workloads.

Note: TDWI’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Quobyte Inc., a Santa Clara, CA-based developer of storage system software, announced details of the new version of its Data Center File System. Quobyte 3.0 offers deploy-anywhere, scale-out storage software with new security features, an enhanced policy engine, and a self-service feature designed to enable low-latency and high-throughput workloads within a single system.

Quobyte offers a software-based distributed file system that integrates into any technology stack. Quobyte helps enterprises build a reliable, scalable, and flexible software storage infrastructure to keep up with the exploding amount of corporate data. 

Quobyte is a single storage system that addresses many different performance profiles from the high-throughput, low-latency requirement of ML/AI to large block sequential, small block random or mixed general workloads. Quobyte supports access protocols and clients, such as S3, Linux, Hadoop, Windows, and NFS for platform flexibility and more complete data ingest and preparation. Data is available at any stage within a single global namespace managed through Quobyte’s management console.

Among the highlights of Quobyte 3.0 are:

360 Security

  • Provides holistic data protection
  • End-to-end AES encryption (In transit / at rest / untrusted storage system)
  • Selective TLS support, e.g. between data centers
  • Access Keys for the file system
  • 509 certificates
  • Event stream (metadata, file access)

Powerful Policy Engine

  • Control all aspects of a Quobyte cluster through flexible policies, from data redundancy, automatic recoding to immutability
  • The policies can be reconfigured at runtime without interruption of service
  • Automation ensures the optimal selection of redundancy and placement, including the new automatic policy that switches between replication and erasure coding as well as flash and HDD inside a file

Self Service

  • Storage-as-a-Service/Cloud-like experience
  • Self-service for users from the webconsole
  • Automatic resource provisioning from kubernetes 

Additional new features of Quobyte 3.0 includes a multicluster data mover with bi-directional sync; policy-based data tiering between clusters and recoding; and more native drivers, including HDFS and MPI-IO, which provide lower latency and less memory bandwidth by bypassing the kernel.

“With Quobyte 3.0, we continue to build on our legacy and experience by enhancing features that fully support storage for generation scale-out,” said Bjorn Kolbeck, Quobyte CEO. “Developers, data scientists and site reliability engineers have embraced scale-out architectures. Users have become accustomed to using applications as though they are cloud native. We have answered those expectations and preferences with a new version of our distributed file system that addresses this paradigm shift while still providing the data protection and advanced security features that customers need.”

Quobyte 3.0 is available now through the company’s channel of value-added resellers. 

For details visit

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