BI, Technology, and the Way We Work

Outside the office, the programs we use in our daily lives are becoming more sophisticated and Web-centric than they were even a year ago. Why shouldn’t our BI applications be the same?

Business Intelligence Journal

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There is a subtle but powerful movement setting the stage for the future of business intelligence (BI). We live in a world where it’s absolutely essential to access information when, where, and how we want it. Outside the office, the programs we use in our daily lives are becoming more sophisticated and Web-centric than they were even a year ago. Why shouldn’t our BI applications be the same?

From the growth of mobile devices and mashups to software-as-a-service and open source software, we look at how the latest technologies are changing the way we live, work, and interact with data.

This article originally appeared in the issue of TDWI.

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