Enterprise Business Intelligence Categories Defined
To help you make your way through the many powerful case studies and “lessons from the experts” articles in What Works in Enterprise Business Intelligence, we have arranged them into specific categories: Enterprise BusinessIntelligence, Search BI, OpenSource BI, Data Governance,Performance Management, andPredictive Analytics. What do these terms mean, and how do they apply to your organization?
Enterprise BusinessIntelligence
Enterprise business intelligence involvesdeploying query, reporting, and analysiscapabilities to all employees who canbenefit from them as well as to customersand suppliers.
Search BI
BI search applies keyword search capabilitiesto structured data and BI reports, making itpossible for users to find reports, generatequeries, and find related analyses with asimplified user interface.
Open Source BI
Open source BI consists of query, reporting,and analysis tools built on an open sourcefoundation; in other words, they are free todownload and use.
Data Governance
Data governance describes the people,processes, and technology needed to ensureconsistent definitions and rules for commonlyused data elements.
Performance Management
Performance management uses businessintelligence tools to monitor and manage progresstoward achieving strategic objectives andgoals represented in budgets and other plans.
Predictive Analyt ics
Predictive analytics uses analytical modelsbased on statistical and machine-learningalgorithms to describe or predict patternswithin large volumes of data to help companiesbetter anticipate events and behavior.
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