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Directory of Solution Providers

Actuate Actuate Corporation
701 Gateway Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Fax: 650.827.1560
[email protected]

Actuate Corporation is the worldleader in enterprise reporting and performancemanagement applicationsthat empower 100 percent of usersto achieve breakthrough corporateperformance. Actuate provides themost scalable, reliable, flexible, andhigh-performing reporting capabilitiesfor every application in the enterprise.Customers use Actuate to deliverinformation in context to users insideand outside the firewall as performancemanagement and customerself-service applications, managedspreadsheet applications, and Javareporting applications. Actuate hasover 3,500 customers globally in arange of industries, including banking,insurance, manufacturing, communications,and government.

Business Objects Business Objects
North American Corporate Headquarters
3030 Orchard Parkway
San Jose, CA 95134
800.527.0580, 408.953.6000
Fax: 408.953.6001

Business Objects is the world’sleading BI software company, helpingorganizations gain better insight intotheir business, improve decision making,and optimize enterprise performance.The company’s business intelligence(BI) platform, BusinessObjects™ XI,offers the industry’s most advancedand complete platform for reporting,query and analysis, performancemanagement, and information managementincluding data integration.BusinessObjects XI includes CrystalReports®, the industry standard forenterprise reporting. Business Objectsalso has the industry’s strongest andmost diverse partner community, withmore than 3,000 partners worldwide.In addition, the company offers consultingand education services to helpcustomers effectively deploy their businessintelligence projects.

Collaborative Consoluting Collaborative Consulting
Ten Tower Office Park, Ste. 218
Woburn, MA 01801
Fax: 781.376.9800
[email protected]

Collaborative Consulting is a leading professional services organization that specializes in optimizing its clients’ business and technology capabilities. We combine exceptional business knowledge and market-leading technology expertise with an effective partnership approach, allowing us to understand and solve even the most complex business problems. And, by aligning business and technology initiatives, we help clients achieve superior, cost-effective business solutions. Founded in 1999, Collaborative provides operational consulting, program management, data services, and technology services for clients across the U.S., with headquarters in Woburn, MA. Collaborative’s Web site is

DataFlux DataFlux Corporation
940 Cary Parkway, Suite 201
Cary, NC 27513
[email protected]

DataFlux Corporation, a whollyowned subsidiary of SAS, enablescompanies to analyze, improve, andcontrol their data through an integratedtechnology platform. Throughits enterprise data quality integrationsolutions, companies can build a solidinformation foundation that deliversa unified view of customer, product,or supplier data. DataFlux helpscustomers enhance the effectivenessof their data-driven initiatives, includingcustomer data integration (CDI),enterprise resource planning (ERP),product data management (PDM),and compliance.DataFlux provides a full range ofsolutions and services and has morethan 750 customer installations worldwide.To learn more about DataFlux,visit

DatAllegro DATAllegro, Inc.
65 Enterprise
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
[email protected]

DATAllegro’s data warehouseappliances lead the industry in priceand performance. DATAllegro’spatent-pending technology enablessignificantly faster and more complexqueries than any other data warehouseappliance on the market. DATAllegroP3™ is a high-performance data warehousehandling up to three terabytesof user data, and is priced at $150,000per terabyte. DATAllegro C25™ is ahigh-capacity data warehouse holdingup to 25 terabytes of user data, and ispriced at $20,000 per terabyte. Withits breakthrough technology, DATAllegrohas set a new standard in datawarehouse price/performance. Formore information on DATAllegro, goto

Hyperion Hyperion Solutions Corporation
5450 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Fax: 408.588.8500

Hyperion Solutions Corporation is the global leader in business performance management software. More than 11,000 customers rely on Hyperion software to provide visibility into how their businesses are performing and to help them plan and model to improve that performance. Using Hyperion software, customers collect data, organize and analyze it, then communicate it across the enterprise. Hyperion offers the industry’s only business performance management solution that integrates financial management applications with a business intelligence platform into a single system.

Named one of the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For (2004), Hyperion serves global customers in 45 countries. A network of more than 600 partners provides the company’s innovative and specialized solutions and services. Hyperion generated revenues of $703 million for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2005, and is traded under the Nasdaq symbol HYSL. For more information, please visit

HyperRoll HyperRoll Inc.
1300 Crittenden Lane, Ste. 104
Mountain View, CA 94043
Fax: 650.962.2501

HyperRoll Inc. provides softwarethat enables business intelligence solutionsto become massively scalable.HyperRoll delivers previously unattainablelevels of speed, data volume,and business dimensions. By usingHyperRoll in conjunction with existinginfrastructure, HyperRoll provides customerswith lightning-fast reportingcapabilities and allows customers toperform more sophisticated queries.HyperRoll combines patented aggregation,caching, and compressionalgorithms to deliver immediate andsubstantial improvements in businessintelligence performance.

IBM IBM Corporation
1133 Westchester Avenue
White Plains, NY 10604

IBM is the world’s leading IT provider.For nearly a century, IBM hasbeen enabling companies to makebetter-informed decisions by helpingbusinesses to generate, manage, andextend their enterprise data warehouse.IBM combines industry-leadingeServers with the most extensive portfolioof information managementsoftware in the industry, from worldclassdatabase software to informationintegration, master data management,analytics, Web services, and more, todeliver solutions ranging from department-level datamarts to massiveenterprise data warehouses.

Informatica Informatica Corporation
100 Cardinal Way
Redwood City, CA 94063
800.653.3871, 650.385.5000
Fax: 650.385.5500
[email protected]

Informatica Corporation deliversdata integration software and servicesto solve a problem facing most largeorganizations: the fragmentation ofdata across disparate systems. Informaticahelps organizations gain greaterbusiness value from their informationassets by integrating their enterprisedata. Informatica’s open, platformneutralsoftware reduces costs, speedstime to results, and scales to handledata integration projects of any sizeor complexity. With a proven 13-yeartrack record of success, Informaticahelps companies and governmentorganizations of all sizes realize the fullbusiness potential of their enterprisedata. That’s why Informatica is knownas the data integration company.

Microstrategy MicroStrategy
1861 International Drive
McLean, VA 22102
Fax: 703 848 8610
[email protected]

MicroStrategy is the global leader in business intelligence (BI) technology. Founded in 1989, MicroStrategy provides integrated reporting, analysis, and monitoring software that helps leading organizations worldwide make better business decisions every day. Companies choose MicroStrategy for its advanced technical capabilities, sophisticated analytics, and superior data and user scalability.

With over 15 years of industry experience, thousands of customer successes, and a reputation for innovation and leadership, MicroStrategy is the safest choice for your business intelligence investment. More information about MicroStrategy is available at

Oracle Oracle Corporation
500 Oracle Parkway
Redwood Shores, CA 94065
800.ORACLE1 or

Oracle is the world’s leading supplier of software for information management, and the world’s second largest independent software company. Oracle software can be found in nearly every industry around the world and in the offices of 98 of the Fortune 100 companies. Oracle is the first software company to develop and deploy 100 percent Internet-enabled enterprise software across its entire product line: database, business applications, and application development and decision support tools. Oracle’s offerings include new software licenses, software license updates, and product support and services, which include consulting, advanced product services, and education.

Sunopsis Sunopsis
6 Lincoln Knoll Lane, Ste. 100
Burlington, MA 01803
Fax: 781 238 1771
[email protected]

Sunopsis is the leading providerof Simply Faster Integration software,optimized for data warehousing andbusiness intelligence projects. Sunopsisproducts leverage a business-rulesapproach to data integration and usea unique E-LT (Extract–Load & Transform)approach to their execution. Thisleverages the existing database enginesand executes the ETL processes wherethey can run the most efficiently,achieving 10 times better performancethan traditional ETL tools at a lowercost. Quick to deploy, Sunopsis is themost cost-effective solution on themarket today. Find out why leadingcompanies throughout the world havechosen Sunopsis: visit our Web site

Sybase Sybase, Inc.
One Sybase Drive
Dublin, CA 94568
[email protected]

Sybase is the largest global enterprisesoftware company exclusivelyfocused on managing and mobilizinginformation from the data centerto the point of action. Our highlyoptimized analytics engine, SybaseIQ, is designed specifically to deliverdramatically faster results for missioncriticalbusiness intelligence, analytics,and reporting solutions on standardhardware and software platforms.Sybase IQ delivers unsurpassed queryperformance and storage efficiencyfor structured and unstructured data.Sybase IQ combines extraordinaryspeed and agility with low total costof ownership, enabling enterprises toperform analysis and reporting thatwas previously impossible, impractical,or cost prohibitive.

Syncsort Syncsort Incorporated
50 Tice Boulevard
Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677
Fax: 201.930.8290
[email protected]

Syncsort Incorporated is a leadingdeveloper of high-performancebackup, data management, and datawarehousing software for mainframe,UNIX, and Windows environments.For over 35 years, Syncsort has builta reputation for superior productperformance and technical support.An independent market research firmhas named Syncsort as one of thetop Data Warehouse 100 Vendorsfor seven years in a row, and thecompany was recently chosen as theleading provider of data acquisitionand integration products. Syncsort’sproducts are used to back up and protectdata in distributed environments,speed data warehouse processing,improve database loads, and speedquery processing.

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