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TDWI White Paper Library

TDWI maintains this library of white papers as a resource for in-depth research and commentary about the big data, business intelligence, data warehousing, and analytics industry. The content in this repository is crafted by TDWI's software and consulting partners. To find out how your company can promote its content in this library, click here.

Attunity white paper cover image

Collecting and Managing IoT Data for Analytics: Maximizing the Value of Operational Information

January 1, 2018

More than 90% of participants in our research said that IoT is important to their future operations. Download this white paper to learn how to extract the value from IoT data and analytics.

Attunity white paper cover image

Magic of Data Integration for the Enterprise - eGuide

January 1, 2018

Read this fun eGuide to discover how the simple and automated Attunity data integration platform benefits users with its drag-and-drop GUI design that enables very high-volume universal data replication and ingestion as well as real-time, continuous data integration and loading.

attunity white paper guide to offload and optimization cover image

A Practical Guide to Data Warehouse Offload and Optimization with Hadoop

January 1, 2018

Download this guide for a cost-effective, low-risk solution to rebalancing data and workloads from traditional data warehouses to Hadoop.

Attunity white paper cover image

Six Guiding Principles for Effective Data Lake Pipelines

January 1, 2018

Data lakes have emerged as a primary platform on which data architects can harness Big Data and enable analytics for data scientists, analysts and decision makers. Download this white paper to learn the six core principles that successful IT organizations adopt to address common data lake challenges.

Attunity white paper Acclerating Big Data Analytics cover image

Expert Tips for Accelerating Big Data Analytics and Better Business Insights

January 1, 2018

Download this white paper to learn the drivers and challenges for enabling real-time big data delivery in heterogeneous environments using analytics.

Arcadia white paper cover image

Future-Proof Your Data Lake Environment: Maximize the Value of Big Data to Your Organization

January 1, 2018

Data lakes add value. Their use improves organizations’ operations and business performance. Our research underscores this; four out of five participating organizations consider the analytics enabled by data lakes to be important. But these benefits aren’t automatic.

Arcadia white paper cover image

Modern Business Intelligence: Leading the Way for Big Data Success

January 1, 2018

This book will look closely at the emerging trends in big data and the pressing need for analytics solutions that emphasize more user-friendly approaches, such as more sophisticated visualization techniques.

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