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TDWI White Paper Library

TDWI maintains this library of white papers as a resource for in-depth research and commentary about the big data, business intelligence, data warehousing, and analytics industry. The content in this repository is crafted by TDWI's software and consulting partners. To find out how your company can promote its content in this library, click here.

SAS white paper about refactoring analytics code cover image

Refactoring Analytics for the Cloud

January 1, 2019

Organizations are charging ahead with investments in cloud and analytics to deliver agility, scalability, and cost savings. With computing power advancements and continuous growth of data, the cloud provides the elastic workloads and flexibility required for modern business. However, the environment of flexibility and choice that the cloud provides also creates complexity and challenges.

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6 Steps: Getting Ready for CCPA

January 1, 2019

Here we present some suggestions for ensuring that your organization is prepared for implementing auditable and reportable compliance with the California Consumer Protection Act of 2018 (CCPA), one of the newest regulations for data protection.

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Building a Cloud Analytics Stack

January 1, 2019

The data landscape is quickly changing as companies say goodbye to legacy solutions in favor of a more modern, cloud-based approach to business intelligence (BI) and analytics. Forty-one percent of companies are considering a move to cloud-based analytics in the next year as they look to cut costs, improve efficiency, and enable better decision making at every level of business.

IBM white paper

Optimize Customer Experience Metrics with 12 AI-Enabled Use Cases

January 1, 2019

Research from Forrester shows 12 AI-enabled use cases to help you prioritize CX investments for increased business impact.

Lead with Data: How to Drive Data Literacy in the Enterprise

January 1, 2019

Without data literacy, leaders can’t thrive in today’s analytics economy nor can they drive any sort of cultural change toward leading with data across their organizations. Get key insights and frameworks on building a blueprint to driving data literacy in your organization.

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Is Your Infrastructure Agile Enough To Support Data Center Modernization?

January 1, 2019

The only way to meet today’s challenges is to modernize your data center because older architectures simply can’t keep pace with the rate of change.

Developing a Data Literate Workforce

January 1, 2019

We're committed to creating a data-literate world that can transform business and improve society. As part of that vision, we want to share our six-step approach to developing a dynamic data literacy program across your organization.

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