Your Checklist to a Successful Data Platform Migration

July 26, 2021

It’s estimated that almost a third of all data platform migrations fail, according to a survey of 1,000 business leaders from 37 countries. When you consider the amount of time and money involved in a data platform migration (plus the intangible costs of change management, building adoption internally, and much more), it’s astonishing that we’re investing so much yet reaping so little return. 

Interestingly enough, the survey found that this issue was not necessarily with the technology itself, but rather businesses that failed to see the benefits of the migration and were unwilling to change their business strategies as a result. 

Here’s what that tells us: If you undertake a data migration project as just a data and analytics project, you won’t see business value from the migration.

So what do the successful projects have in common? We’ve worked with large and small clients across North America to complete successful data migration projects and these successful projects have had three things in common. 

Before you embark on your next data and analytics project, see if you can check these three things off your list. Doing so will start your project off for success. Download your data platform migration checklist today and stay on track and set yourself, your team, and your project up for success. 

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