Data Platform Migration: Your Guide to Successful Legacy Data Platform Migrations

July 15, 2021

Let's face it, the model for delivering data platform migration projects (or any other data & analytics projects for that matter) is broken. According to Gartner, "83% of data migration projects either fail or exceed their budgets and schedules." But here's the thing - it doesn't have to be.

The most common mistake we see organizations make when starting a data platform migration project is failing to have a strategy and process in place before they begin. So if the real problem lies in lack of strategy and process – where and how do you begin? What does a successful data migration project look like?

We’ve compiled a data platform migration guide that will not only answer all your questions but also share with you the three things successful data projects have in common.

Included in our Data Platform Migration Guide are our strategies and approach to a successful legacy data platform migration project as well as a customer success story from one of North America’s largest retail chains.

Download our guide today to make sure your data and analytics project starts on the right foot – and you’ll get to that promised land of the cloud.

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