white paper

Sense Corp and Denodo: Accelerating Speed-to-Data to Deliver Better Results to Customers and Constituents

November 11, 2020

Why Sense Corp and Denodo? Today’s organizations, whether in the public or private sectors, continue to struggle with the limitations of their data infrastructures, which can reduce their competitive advantage. Still, many such organizations will be reluctant to modernize. This is unfortunate, as it inhibits growth.

Does your organization struggle with the following challenges?

  • Legacy business intelligence (BI) tools prevent organizations from easily adapting to emerging business needs as they arise.
  • Your organization would like to leverage tools like Tableau, for enhanced visualization, or cloud-based BI solutions like Microsoft PowerBI, but the data infrastructure will not support them.
  • To support tools like Tableau or PowerBI, your organization would have to completely rearchitect its data infrastructure.
  • Your organization might like to migrate to a cloud-based data warehouse, but stakeholders are reluctant to do so, as they would face insurmountable difficulty supporting both cloud and on-premises systems in the same infrastructure.
  • Similarly, your organization would like to avoid vendor lock-in and leverage multiple cloud systems from multiple vendors, but your organization might also be reluctant to face the inherent incompatibilities between different clouds.

In addition to these technology-related challenges, organizations also fear that they lack the expertise required to implement the necessary change across their organizations that modernization inevitably entails.

Working together, Sense Corp and Denodo enable today’s organizations to gain all of the benefits of modern data architecture, including the ability to seamlessly reach constituents and customers with accelerated speed-to-data, without having to rearchitect their data infrastructures from the ground up.

Denodo provides the technology, and Sense Corp provides the extended expertise.

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