yellowfin white paper

How To Deliver Modern Dashboards That Automate Action

December 11, 2019

Dashboards have dominated the BI and analytics scene for over 30 years and have been the core requirement in any analytics solution. They have become the default for presenting data to business users to help them monitor and understand their business better.

Today, to make their dashboards sound relevant, many dashboard vendors tout "actionable" dashboards that empower your end users to make data-driven business decisions. However, in reality the end users constantly come back to analysts for answers, more insights, and queries on what the numbers are really telling them.

These dashboards are not truly empowering the people the analysts are building them for. Users have to constantly switch between applications to understand what data they need, perform data discovery, deduce the required action off the back of that insight, and then take the necessary action.

What if you could embed the action into the dashboard so the user could complete the workflow in one place—your BI platform?

Download this white paper to find out how you can build modern dashboards that truly drive action in your business.

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