Cloud Data Warehousing for Dummies
January 1, 2018
Today, companies have a much greater collection of more relevant data than ever before. This includes a diverse range of sources, internal and external, including data marts, cloud-based applications, and machine-generated data. Unfortunately, the data warehouse architecture of the past strains under the burden of extremely large, diverse data sets.
To remain efficient and competitive, organizations must be able to harness the power of the vast amounts of data constantly being generated and conduct complex analysis on that data. Fortunately, advances in computer hardware, architecture, and software can help your organization meet this challenge and exceed your expectations. A key factor driving the evolution of the modern data warehouse is the cloud, which creates access to near infinite, low-cost storage and improved scalability.
Download this e-book to discover how your organization can tap the power of massive amounts of data conveniently and affordably to enhance efficiency and transform raw data into valuable business intel.