How to Deliver Optimized Analytics for Redshift with Etleap and Zoomdata
January 2, 2017
The ability to quickly, efficiently, and inexpensively analyze data has never been more important. Business users cannot afford to wait for results, and data analysts are short on time.
Although traditional tools were once sufficient, a handful of platforms have emerged to reshape the data analytics landscape. Etleap and Zoomdata have improved the way analysts extract, transform, load, and analyze data using Amazon Redshift data warehouses. Etleap’s cloud-based ETL tool guides the user through combining virtually any data source into Redshift. Zoomdata connects directly to data warehouses of any size to visually interact with data.
This report highlights the benefits of using Etleap and Zoomdata to extract, transform, load, and analyze all types and sizes of data with Amazon Redshift.