Charting the Expanding Horizons of Big Data: Report Summary (EMA/9Sight Consulting)
January 1, 2017
Since its inception, the concept of “big data” has meant many things to many people. The 2016 EMA/9sight Big Data End-User Survey looks at a range of possibilities for big data definitions, implementations, and technologies, using a deliberately broad definition of big data.
In 2016, 303 business and technology professionals responded to an invitation to provide their insights on big data strategies and implementation practices. Using information from the survey, a maturity scoring model was developed to help organizations understand their placement along a big data development scale.
In these findings from the 2016 survey, EMA and 9sight Consulting look at various trends associated with big data and how end-users are taking up the challenge of integrating big data and next generation data management into their everyday lives.