A Future-Proof Architecture for Streaming Data Analytics
January 1, 2016
Are you ready to start reaping the benefits of streaming analytics but worried about investing in new technology that could rapidly become outdated? How can you stay ahead of the curve, take advantage of the latest technologies, and ensure that you don’t make a mistake in your selection of a technology platform?
The answer lies in a strategy called "future proofing." The term future proof refers to the ability for something to continue to be of value well into the future. This gives you the confidence that it will not quickly become obsolete. Obviously, future proofing provides a significant advantage in any overall technology strategy.
In this white paper, we explore the demand for streaming analytics, discuss some of the available open source engines and the challenges of adopting them, and introduce a future-proof platform that uses an integrated development environment—abstracted at a level above the streaming analytics engine—enabling you to ride the future innovation wave.