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TDWI Checklist Reports

TDWI Checklist Reports provide an overview of success factors for a specific project in business intelligence, data warehousing, or a related data management discipline. Companies may use this overview to get organized before beginning a project or to identify goals and areas of improvement for current projects.

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TDWI Checklist Report | Seven Best Practices for Machine Learning on a Data Lake

March 30, 2018

As organizations collect and analyze increasing amounts of data, they are turning to the data lake as the platform to perform more advanced analytics such as machine learning. This TDWI Checklist Report presents best practices for advanced analytics on a data lake.

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TDWI Checklist Report | Six Strategies for Balancing Compliance with Data Value

March 6, 2018

Businesses can only seize new data-driven opportunities if they recognize sensitive data and handle it responsibly. This report focuses on how targeted improvements to specific data management best practices and technology can contribute significantly to your success with GDPR compliance, as well as data governance and data-driven programs in general.

Informatica DM checklist cover image

TDWI Checklist Report | Data Management for Data Lakes in the Cloud

February 21, 2018

A lake or cloud can breathe new life into established enterprise data architectures (data warehouses, marketing channel data, digital supply chains) or create new and different ones (analytics labs and sandboxes, ecosystems of cloud-based operational applications). This report discusses the leading data management (DM) best practices you need for data lakes to be successful when deployed in the cloud.

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TDWI Checklist Report | Data Monetization: 7 Steps to Building Consumable Data Solutions

February 1, 2018

Data products are not a new idea; data aggregators have been producing purchasable data sets for decades. However, as organizations have become motivated to be “data driven,” the concept of a “data product” has rapidly morphed into different shapes, including packaged data sets, lightweight API-based services, directly connected end-user visualizations, and full-blown access to hosted reporting and analytics dashboards.

TDWI Checklist Report | Using Design Thinking to Unleash Creativity in BI and Analytics Development: Six Best Practices for Applying New Methods to Learning What Users Want and Improving Their Experiences

December 22, 2017

This TDWI Checklist Report discusses the ways in which design thinking can produce more effective BI and analytics solutions and reduce user frustration with ineffective tools.

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TDWI Checklist Report | From Self-Service to Data-Driven: 6 Ways a Data Catalog Can Help

December 8, 2017

As the importance of self-service solutions for BI, analytics, and data preparation continues to grow, the emphasis is no longer only on centralized, full-time data professionals and their institutional knowledge. We also must find a way to support the business’ needs with better-documented data assets. For many organizations, this is a data catalog.

Checklist Intelligent Integration Hub

TDWI Checklist Report | The Intelligent Integration Hub: Managing Modern Data with Modern Best Practices

November 29, 2017

For organizations struggling to modernize their DM efforts, the intelligent integration hub provides a flexible and scalable foundation. This TDWI report examines the attributes and use cases of the intelligent integration hub.

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TDWI Checklist Report | Seven Industries Using Analytics for Business Value

November 14, 2017

This Checklist Report examines how seven industries are using analytics to drive value. These industries include finance, insurance, retail, healthcare,manufacturing, utilities, and technology/software/Internet.

TDWI Checklist Report | The Data Catalog's Role in the Digital Enterprise: Enabling New Data-Driven Business and Technology Best Practices

November 10, 2017

When we design and develop data management solutions, one of the first and most important steps is to catalog the data that will be captured, managed, analyzed, and shared. This TDWI report will examine the many components and functions of a modern enterprise data cataloging facility.

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