TDWI Best Practices Reports
TDWI’s Best Practices Reports are designed to educate technical and business professionals about new business intelligence technologies, concepts, or approaches that address a significant problem or issue. Research for the Best Practices Reports is conducted via interviews with industry experts and leading-edge user companies, and is supplemented by a survey of business intelligence professionals.
June 29, 2017
This TDWI Best Practices Report focuses on current experiences with realizing value from BI and analytics and how organizations can accelerate the path to higher value.
March 29, 2017
One of the more popular subjects in data modernization today is the addition of data lakes to many different ecosystems. This report defines data lake types and discusses emerging best practices, enabling technologies, and real-world use cases.
December 21, 2016
Big data and data science can provide a significant path to value for organizations. Download this report for organizations’ experiences with and plans for big data and data science including both technology plans and organizational strategies.
October 3, 2016
The cloud is becoming a mature platform for data management, integration, business intelligence (BI), and analytics. Download this report for an examination of organizations’ experiences with and plans for cloud BI and analytics, new cloud models, and what organizations should consider when moving to the cloud.
July 1, 2016
Business users want the power of analytics—but analytics can only be as good as the data. Download this report for an examination of experiences with data preparation, a discussion of goals and objectives, and a look at important technology trends reshaping data preparation processes. Learn how your organization can reduce the time it takes to prepare data and help users realize insights from data faster.
March 22, 2016
No matter the vintage or sophistication of your organization’s data warehouse (DW), it probably needs to be modernized. Download this report for a presentation of the many issues and categories of DW modernization, plus the strategies, methods, and enabling technologies that lead to success.
December 21, 2015
Download this report for recommendations and best practices for successfully operationalizing analytics in your organization to derive business value.
October 1, 2015
Download this report to learn about the emerging technologies and methods (ETMs) that apply to business intelligence, analytics, and data warehousing. Discover how ETMs can support innovation in business processes, customer management, competitiveness, IT best practices, and the business leverage of data.
July 11, 2015
Download this report to examine how visual analytics fits with this and other important goals and trends that are enabling organizations to realize higher value from their data.