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Research Reports

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TDWI Playbook | Modernize Your ETL Processes to Unleash Better Business Intelligence

October 25, 2022

In this playbook, TDWI discusses the business drivers and case for ETL modernization and outlines the journey your enterprise must take.

StreamSets Playbook cover image

TDWI Playbook | Modernizing Data Integration

October 21, 2022

This playbook considers some of the top business cases driving data integration modernization and how they shape organizations’ strategies.

Informatica Modernization Playbook cover image

TDWI Playbook | Building a Modern Data Platform

October 20, 2022

This playbook describes the business case for modernizing legacy DWs and other enterprise data management platforms.

AtScale Playbook cover image

TDWI Playbook | Modern Data Paradigms and Architectures: The Data Mesh and the Semantic Layer

October 20, 2022

This playbook describes the business case for the data mesh and the semantic layer, as well as plays for getting started.

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TDWI Insight Accelerator | Increasing Customer Satisfaction and Business Profitability with Data-Driven Retail Personalization

October 12, 2022

This TDWI Insight Accelerator focuses on data-driven personalization strategies for retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG) organizations.

Immuta Checklist cover image

TDWI Checklist | Five Best Practices for Data Security in Modern Cloud Platforms

September 30, 2022

This Checklist examines five organizational and technology best practices for managing data access in modern environments.

Informatica Playbook Cover Image

TDWI Playbook | The Data Integration Cloud Modernization Playbook

September 30, 2022

For this playbook, we interviewed data professionals from three organizations that recently modernized their data environments.

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