TDWI Best Practices Report | Harnessing the Power of Diverse Data for Business Growth
Today’s competitive business landscape demands comprehensive, data-driven insights. Enterprises are beginning to utilize diverse data—which includes structured, semistructured, and unstructured forms—to fuel these insights.
Diverse data is extremely important for enriching data sets for analysis as well as promoting innovation in companies. Yet, results from this research indicate that it is still relatively early days for making the most out of diverse data. Survey respondents are facing challenges, including unifying diverse data for analysis, securing the data, determining data quality guidelines for diverse data, and finding tools to help them analyze diverse data.
How are most companies dealing with diverse data? How are they sourcing it? How are they using it? Managing it? Analyzing it? How are they governing it? Can we learn anything from those with experience with diverse data? These topics are covered in this Best Practices Report.