2021 TDWI Teams, Skills, and Budgets Report
TDWI Member Exclusive

September 24, 2021

TDWI’s annual Teams, Skills, and Budgets Report enables data and analytics teams to compare themselves to their peers on a series of organizational and performance metrics.

Known colloquially as the TDWI Teams Report, this year’s report is based on a web survey of 128 data and analytics professionals conducted worldwide in spring and early summer of 2021, well into the COVID-19 pandemic that continued to impact business globally. Budgets, staffing, and hiring practices were still in flux, sometimes dramatically. This resulted in some anomalies in the responses this year when compared to the previous years of this survey. The results are based on survey responses from IT and business professionals, business sponsors, consultants, and other types of users, with a focus on the individuals who most directly drive data management and analytics (DM/A) initiatives.

Where possible, this year’s TDWI Teams Report uses year-over-year comparative data to illustrate trends in the DM/A industry. In a few places, we have noted where changes in trends may be affected by the pandemic. Multiple-answer questions and rounding account for totals that do not equal 100 percent. All figures are based on worldwide totals and represent percentages unless otherwise indicated. In the concluding “Characteristics of DM/A Success” section, the Teams Report analyzes many factors that contribute to DM/A success or failure, including:

  • Development methodology
  • Number of years building a DM/A environment
  • Stages of maturity in data management and analytics
  • Team reporting structure
  • Scope of DM/A environments
  • Internal staff versus external resources
  • Organizational approaches
  • Number of FTEs per project
  • Size of DM/A team
  • DM/A budget
  • DM/A budget as a percentage of overall IT budget

This is an exclusive TDWI Member publication. To access the report, log in to the community below or become a member today.

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