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TDWI Checklist Report | Five Steps for Accelerating Data Readiness

September 25, 2020

Data is everywhere, generated by an array of applications, digitally transformed business processes, mobile devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) sensors. Unfortunately, much data remains unused.

Many organizations are unable to prepare and process data in time to handle analytics workloads for solving business questions, improving operational processes, and building more valuable customer relationships. How can organizations modernize technology strategies to create a faster path to readiness for all their data, not just the portion currently defined, structured, and formatted for BI reporting and analysis?

To be ready for analytics and actionable for decisions, organizations need to make all their data easier to discover and prepare. In addition, to adhere to data privacy and other regulations, structured, semistructured, and unstructured data that organizations are storing and managing must be appropriately protected and governed.

This TDWI Checklist discusses how data catalogs, knowledge graphs, graph databases, master data management, and workflow automation can enable organizations to move faster to prepare all their data, develop pipelines for analytics, and increase the data’s business value.

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