March 29, 2019
The economic model of cloud computing attracted a rush to migrate data and applications to the cloud. In addition, the maturation of cloud platforms, the increased reliability of cloud security, and the elegance of implementing applications on cloud platforms and services are motivating organizations to modernize their enterprise information environments.
However, there is some confusion about what is meant by the term “modernization,” with some organizations defaulting to a simplistic approach that attempts to replicate an existing on-premises data warehouse implementation in the cloud, even if that on-premises implementation embodies limitations linked to prior technology choices.
System modernization is more than just “lifting and shifting” your legacy data warehouse to the cloud. Modernization is a process that begins with reassessing the current business processes as well as anticipated future business demands and using what has been learned to refactor or reengineer a legacy system.
This TDWI Checklist Report provides suggestions when considering modernizing your data warehouse in the cloud, including using intelligent data discovery tools, data classification and cataloging, comprehensive data integration, and orchestration.