Checklist cover Emerging Design Patterns

TDWI Checklist Report | Emerging Design Patterns for Data Management

November 8, 2016

Organizations that seek to be data driven are experiencing considerable change of late. Traditional enterprise data is being joined by new categories of big data, including data from sensors, hand-held devices, machinery, Web applications, and social media. Users are turning to new design patterns on both old and new platforms to accommodate the capture, storage, processing, analytics, and delivery of big data and other new data assets.

These changes sound like problems, but they are actually opportunities for organizations that can embrace big data, implement new design patterns and platforms for new data, scale to greater volumes and processing loads, and react accordingly via analytics.

This Checklist Report drills into some of the emerging design patterns and platforms for data that modern data-driven organizations are embracing, with a focus on data warehouses and Hadoop, plus a few other data ecosystems (e.g., marketing, supply chain, and Web). The goal of the report is to accelerate users’ understanding of new design patterns and data platforms so they can choose and use the ones that best support the new data-driven goals of their organizations.

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