TDWI Business Intelligence Journal, Volume 18, Number 3

Business Intelligence Journal | Vol. 18, No. 3
TDWI Member Exclusive

September 16, 2013

When you boil it all down, business intelligence is about turning data into information to support business decision making. In this issue of the Business Intelligence Journal, we explore a variety of facets of data and how it’s managed.

Senior editor Hugh J. Watson and Olivera Marjanovic look at four generations of decision support data management: from decision support systems and enterprise data warehouses to real-time data warehousing and big data.

Troy Hiltbrand shows us how data can drive dynamic decision making. He examines how flexible, dynamic pricing on a high-occupancy vehicle lane in Virginia assesses—in real time—the situational facets of supply and demand to find the optimum toll to keep traffic moving and maximize revenue.

Using real-time data need not be restricted to new applications. Fiona Oliver offers one real-time data warehousing solution for legacy operational systems in which the usual approaches cannot be applied.

Organizations have it relatively easy with structured data. Using real-world examples, Sundar Varadarajan and Soundarapandian explain how a few enhancements can significantly improve the accuracy of text analysis of unstructured data.

Sourabh Mukherjee turns our attention to a familiar data management discipline: master data management. The author takes a step back from current techniques to look at the why, how, and what of MDM and offers fresh insights about the practice, especially in light of emerging technologies.

Part of managing data is keeping it contained. Paul Staelin looks at the rationale for, and the blueprint of, an architecture that helps IT regain control of data (including new sources of data) while enabling self-service BI.

Dashboards are a popular tool for displaying data graphically. Linda L. Briggs looks at how a U.K.-based tech recruitment firm provided a new level of visibility directly to its consumers to help differentiate the company from competitors and retain its existing clients.

Finally, our Experts’ Perspective column asks Jill Dyché, Fern Halper, and James Taylor for their wisdom about the current BI scene, and our annual TDWI Best Practices Award winners are profiled.

We welcome your feedback and comments; please send them to [email protected].

James E. Powell

Editorial Director
Business Intelligence Journal

  • Big Data: The Fourth Data Management Generation
    Hugh J. Watson and Olivera Marjanovic
  • Dynamic Pricing: The Future of Customer-Centric Retail
    Troy Hiltbrand
  • Maximizing Insight from Unstructured Data
    Sundar Varadarajan and Soundarapandian
  • BI Case Study: Dashboards Drive External Transparency at U.K.-based Tech Recruitment Firm
    Linda L. Briggs
  • Real-Time Data Warehousing for Legacy Applications
    Fiona Oliver
  • Master Data Management through a Crystal Ball
    Sourabh Mukherjee
  • Data Governance in a World of BI Sandboxes
    Paul Staelin
  • BI Experts’ Perspective: Trending Topics
    Jill Dyché, Fern Halper, and James Taylor
  • Winners: TDWI Best Practices Awards 2013

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