TDWI E-Book | Self-Service BI
November 15, 2012
Self-service BI empowers users to access and analyze data with less dependence on IT. Although traditional BI casts business users as passive consumers of information, this is changing. Users today are demanding more control over their analytical assets even as IT continues to struggle with budget and resource constraints. But that’s not all: there is also a movement beyond self-service BI toward user-driven analytic discovery.
Download this TDWI E-Book to find out why turning business people into self-empowered “analytic explorers” involves more than just equipping them with discovery tools and turning them loose on massive data sets.
You’ll also read expert Q&A on how self-service BI can lead to greater BI adoption, and learn how to transform unstructured knowledge analytics practices into smart big data that will increase your organization’s innovation speed and relevancy.