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TDWI Upside - Where Data Means Business

Security and Privacy

General Data Protection Regulation Compliance: What You Must Do Now

Time is running out to prepare your enterprise to meet GDPR's requirements.

Long Live the Traditional Data Warehouse

A data warehouse is more than a storage repository. Don't lose sight of the benefits a traditional warehouse provides.

Lessons from Facebook: Can We Defeat Databuse?

We in the information technology and data management disciplines must step up to an engaged and active role in educating the public and businesspeople who are not fully aware of the dangers of abuse of personal and related data.

Data Digest: Understanding and Preparing for GDPR

Learn the basics of the upcoming data protection regulation, what the right to erasure is, and how the regulation could promote opportunities.

All Data and No Security Orchestration Makes You an Ineffective Security Analyst

A security automation and orchestration platform can solve incident detection and response challenges. Here are the key features to look for.

3 Fundamental Steps for Strong Big Data Security

If there's one thing we know for sure about technology, it's that innovation moves fast, but frequent innovation can be problematic for security -- especially for big data platforms.

Data Digest: Focus on Risk, Security Trends, GDPR

Why cybersecurity needs better risk assessment, expected trends in security, and why U.S. companies should be more aware of GDPR.

Cybersecurity Plus Data Science: The Career Path of the Future?

Data science and cybersecurity, two of the most popular career paths, are on a collision course. The combination of these two skill sets will become highly sought-after in the next decade.

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